We all can heal, calm, and control our nervous system and responses through our senses.

Our senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell) are the gateway to how we experience and interact with the world around us. Our senses constantly feed our brains information, most times without us being aware. It is through our senses that we also experience trauma and the sensory information attached to the memory of the trauma gets locked into the amygdala (the part of the brain where memories are stored). Sensory information can trigger negative reactions. An example of this would be a sound or smell attached to a negative memory triggering aggressive behavior (anger) or a panic attack (fear); Most of the time, the person going through this experience is not consciously aware of why they are reacting this way.
Several therapies focus on your ability to heal through your senses; including mindfulness/meditation, somatic experiencing, and breath work. Here we will explore some therapies and coping mechanisms you can do yourself. Most of these methods are backed by science and people who have utilized them have shown improvement in their ability to heal from traumatic events and gain control over their responses.
Visual information that we take in can influence our emotions. This is why pictures, paintings, and other visual arts are effective in getting us to interact and engage emotionally. Certain colors can help us soothe and feel calm. Colors such as blue, yellow, green, pink, grey, white, and purple can reduce stress and improve sleep. These colors are also associated with healing and releasing negative energy. In energy healing, blue, yellow, green, white, and purple are colors associated with our chakras (portals for energy in our bodies). Incorporating more of these colors into your life can open the chakras and release negativity.
Placing beautiful visuals and pictures in your environment whether at home or in your workspace can boost your mood on a subconscious level.
What we hear and listen to helps us connect with our emotions and can help us feel that we are not alone when we are going through difficult times. I often hear this when clients talk about the music they listen to and how they feel the lyrics in a song relate to them.
Music therapy and sound frequencies impact our mood because of the vibrations and frequencies we feel and sense on a molecular level. Â Music therapy has been shown to improve blood pressure and normalize arrhythmia.
One popular frequency is 432 Hz which has shown positive effects with improving anxiety because 432 Hz is the closest frequency to the natural human frequency. 432 frequency sounds can be found on your favorite streaming service and are available on YouTube… for free!Â

Different Textures and temperatures can be soothing and have a calming effect on the nervous system. When we feel uncomfortable and tense in our bodies while our environment appears seemly safe, touch can help us control our physical responses. Splashing cold water on your face, hands, and arms, squeezing a stress toy, or holding on to an ice pack are a few ways you can calm your nervous system. Soft or rough textures can help you feel grounded, waking up nerve endings and distracting from stress. Some people use things like fuzzy or weighted blankets for self-soothing which can help with insomnia.
Physical touch such as hand-holding, receiving a hug, or being held is another way that touch can help you feel calm. When you are touched, your brain releases oxytocin, a hormone that can reduce anxiety and fear. However, physical touch is not recommended for those who have been victims of sexual assault or abuse, or if physical touch causes a negative reaction.
It is no secret that tastier foods can release endorphins and contribute to a positive mood.
Although tasting is an effective way to lower stress, stress can also contribute to overeating and consuming large quantities of sugary or salty foods.
Mindful eating including chewing slowly and thoroughly, savoring the taste of the food, and even closing your eyes while chewing your food is a way to slow down your nervous system and lower stress.
Remember to eat plenty of fruits and season your vegetables well as they aid in stress management due to the gut/brain connection.
Aromatherapy and essential oils can reduce anxiety, soothe and calm the nervous system. When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the emotional center of the brain. Scented oils can help regulate blood pressure and respiration.

Burning incense and scented candles in energy healing is believed to bring positive energy and cleanse your space. Â Utilizing a diffuser, incense, or scented candle in your environment can be beneficial in boosting relaxation and decreasing stress.
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There are many ways to bring these sensory aids into your environment which can create a sense of safety and peace. Incorporating these things in addition to therapy and other healthy habits can improve your well-being, giving you a feeling of calmness and mental clarity.